Kancelaria Prawna Wiśniewski & Kłapsa sp.k. is a limited liability partnership registered in Poland.
Its registration number is KRS 0000137519 and its registered office is at: 50-010 Wrocław, ul. Podwale 62A.
The VAT registration number of Kancelaria Prawna Wiśniewski & Kłapsa sp.k. is PL8971677548.
Copyright in the content of this website or any part thereof is owned by Kancelaria Prawna Wiśniewski & Kłapsa sp.k. or its licensors. You may download, temporarily store and print one or more of the pages of this website for use within your organisation. Any other download, storage, printing, copying, transmission or distribution of the content of, or the publications on, this website requires the prior written consent of Kancelaria Prawna Wiśniewski & Kłapsa sp.k.